Questions & Answers

Flashlink 2 and Evo All not connecting to computer

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The red light is on thr FL2 and the Blue light is flashing on the EVO All when connected. I did a full reset after I tried to do the Smart Start install. Got all connections right but didnt know i needed Dealer assistance. (VSM200)

The EVOALL was Warm to the touch after install attempt so I disconnected and then RESET.Then started from scratch till I got BSLOW FLASHING BLUE LIGHT... When i tried to reflash it..NADA...It's in ByPASS mode, i uninstalled and reinstalle the flash manager...even tried different computer. Did i do something wrong with the remote Start? DID i Fry something even though EVERYTHING works up to the flash point?


asked Apr 3, 2018 in Ram by Karl Ford (310 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The most common issue that happens with smartstart and evos is that people plug the datalink connector from the smartstart and evo backwards, always make sure that the red and black wires line up before plugging the connectors together, or else the pinouts will be completely wrong and 12v and ground are sent to the RX and TX wires.
answered Apr 3, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)
Ok i’ll look at that when i get back home... but i only plugged in what would “FIT” meaning the connections would only CONNECT one way....i’ll look for that in a few hours

Does that mean i may have overloaded something which won’t allow connection to the Flash Manager?