Questions & Answers

No keyless after remote start. Wired correctly.

0 votes
2017 Toyota Highlander H key with start stop system. After remote start my keyless is inop. I originally used the yellow tpms wire as instructed. Yes I did cut it. But my tpms light wouldn't flash after remote started either. Checked Toyota wiring diagram and found highlander without start stop would uses that wire, my car uses a wire in a different location. I then cut and used that wire. After my car remote starts my tpms light now flashes, but keyless entry still does not work.
asked Sep 1, 2017 in Toyota by Matt Philmon (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Verify the doorlock data wire and make sure it is connected at the right place.

When hitting lock with the remote start running, does the blue LED on the module flash ?
answered Sep 2, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)