Questions & Answers

evo one wont remote start

0 votes
evo one will not remote start, have already wired up properly and done programming, when I click lock 3x on oem remote car park lights just flash and horn beeps but no start, car is a 2012 subaru impreza wagon
asked Aug 13, 2017 in Subaru by Enrico Altamirano (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
3xlock start option needs to be enabled in the remote starter side of the unit, (Flashlink Updater-2 required and sold separately) Function 38 to mode 2

Thank you,
answered Aug 14, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
Hi there, I enabled 38.2, and also C1 and D5 according to install guide but still no remote start on 3x lock of oem remote, car just sounds the horn real quick and park lights flash for 2-3x, can you help me out?
you need to count the number of parking light flashes correctly when it fails to start since the evo has built in diagnostics via the parking lights.


Did you cut the yellow loop on the side of the unit, this is assuming your vehicle is automatic transmission.

if your vehicle is manual tramsmission, please let us know
exactly 3 flashes of the parking light, and yes I did cut the yellow loop and yes it is an automatic, one thing I did not wire is the hood pin output and just isolated the wire, do I need to ground that wire? hope you can help me out
2 tests to do,

1. Disconnect Evo-One from vehicle. using a multimeter on resistance setting, connect each probe of the meter to each side of the cut yellow loop. let me know what the reading is.


2. Reflash the starter side of the remote starter firmware to 1.21 and test again.

Thank you,
1. 12.46 k ohm

2. still did not work after flash to 1.21

but I did finally get it to work, turns out it was my fault, in my eagerness during programming I turned on a bunch of options for bypass like unlock before start and lock after start, after turning those off and also hood pin trigger it remotes starts properly now, thanks for the help