Questions & Answers

2016 Chrysler 200 3 Flashes - No Tach Detected - Ignition on but no crank

0 votes
2016 Chrysler 200 3 Flashes - No Tach Detected - Ignition on but no crank:

I have walked through the troubleshooting guide and checked all of the programming/wire issues that could occur.  Any other items to test or check to get the car to remote start?

The car attempts to start twice before failing and providing the diagnostic codes.
asked Jan 19, 2017 in Chrysler by Josh Carlson (200 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
What is the service number to the module?
answered Jan 19, 2017 by derek g (357,930 points)
selected Jan 19, 2017 by Josh Carlson
Service #: 001A06 691484
Did you connect the parking lights?
Yes, I connected the (MUX) parking lights per the installation instructions. The parking lights come on when I attempt to remote start.
How many times do the parking ligths flash when the car fails to start after the 2nd attempt??

Also what did you hook the purple/yellow wire up to?

Did you connect the Lt.Blue and Lt.Blue/Black wires?
The parking lights flash 3 times.

I connected the light blue and light blue/Black wires per the instructions. I will need to check the purple/yellow wire - I don't remember connecting this to anything.
The purple/yellow wire was the problem. Fixed the wire and the remote start works now.

Thank you for all of the help!
Glad you got it working!
0 votes
Make sure all doors are closed and there is no key inside the vehicle when attempting to remote start.
answered Jan 19, 2017 by Josh Carlson (85,210 points)
I followed the entire troubleshooting guide, which included making sure all the doors were closed and no key was present in the vehicle when attempting remote start.

Any other ideas?