Questions & Answers

EVOALL+VIPER 4806V installed for 2017 VW tiguan push to start, no lock unlock,no start

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hi, i installed a Fortin EVOALL+VIPER 4806V remote starter for my 2017 volkswage tiguan with push to start.
i use DATA-LINK wire to connect the bypass module and remote starter. so there is only a few wires need to be connected.
i flashed evoall with firmware 75.25 and the evoall programmed successfully on the car.
i didn't connect the parking light wire for the remote starter. i'm confused for the parking lights wire connection.
the fortin manual shows there should be a RS3 OUT PARKING LIGHTS(-) wire connect to a relay PIN 86.
But the VIPER quick reference install guide shows there is only: a H/4 WHITE/BROWN LIGHT FLASH ISOLATION WIRE -PIN 87a light flash relay and a H/5 WHITE PIN 30 of LIGHT FLASH RELAY
so should i use a relay to make the connection? but how? or there is a realy inside the remote starter? anyway i didn't connect the wires for the parking lights.
should i connect a hoop pin switch to make it work?
For the VIPER 4806V remote starter:
set light flash polarity to -, set horn input polarity jumper to -,
connected the H1 ,H2 wires(6 PIN connector),
Neutral safety switch plugged in and in the ON position.
door lock plug NOT plug in,
ground pin 13 black /white (-) neutral safety /parking brake input (as the manual mentioned) ---- 24PIN connector,
control center connected,
connected the pin8 * IGNITION1 INPUT/OUTPUT (8 PIN connector on viper)
For the EVOALL :
every wire connected as the manual said.
so here is the problem:
when i press the lock button , the door lock no action. i can hear one click sound coming from the viper brain.seems it wants to trigger the parking light to flash one time.
press the unlock button,door lock no action. two click sound coming from the viper brain.
press the remote start button the car wouldn't start. ignition doesn't go on. and i hear 5 click sound from the viper brain. which means :Brake wire is active .
i used a Digital Multimeter to test every wire from the car connector pin to the VIPER and EVOALL pin. all good!
reset the EVOALL module. nothing changed! took the EVOALL off the car to reflash it. i can enter every menu EXCEPT the EVO-ALL OPTIONS. Always shows unit is not connected.and stuck there.
my computer system is windows10. i tryed diffrent computers,diffrent USB port. nothing changed.  
asked Jan 18, 2017 in Volkswagen by Yuanjun Kang (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What protocol is your viper set to?

If you place the key in the ignition barrell does the vehicle remote start?
answered Jan 18, 2017 by derek g (337,260 points)
the viper 4806v only has a D2D port(for external xpresskit interface module). so i plug it in.

key placed on the ignition sense ring. still no start.

would it be my flash link updater or EVO-ALL fault?
set the evo-all to option f3 for D2D and then re test.

i can't enter the EVO-ALL OPTIONS.

Always shows unit is not connected.and stuck there.

my computer system is windows10. i tryed diffrent computers,diffrent USB port. nothing changed.

Make sure you are in connection mode: bypass (this will be shwon in the bottom right hand corner).

Also verify the updater is not in update model.

Help>cancel flash link update.

yes, it's in bypass mode. red and green light come on on flashlink.  red light come on on EVO ALL.

IT'S NOT in update mode for the flash link.


when click Help> FLASH-LINK FIRMWARE UPDATE  . it ask me to disconnect the flash link.  unplug and plug it again,  

it says:NO DEVICE

The FLASH-LINK Updater is not connected to the PC.
but the bottom line shows :
device found,   unit connected,    Firmware selected: N/A,   connection mode:bypass
device found,   unit connected,    Firmware selected: N/A,   connection mode:bypass

If this was the case the module should be working when plugged into the flash link.

i can enter every menu EXCEPT the EVO-ALL OPTIONS. Always shows unit is not connected.and stuck there: processing... please wait.loading options...

i can flash it with other car's firmware. but still can't enter the EVO ALL OPTIONS menu.



I have tryed another NEW EVO ALL, nothing changed.same problem ! can't enter the EVO-ALL OPTIONS menu.

Try re flashing your flashlink updater.

Help>flashlink updater updates>follow on screen prompts

Make sure the evo is disconnected when doing this