Questions & Answers

2004 Lexus GX470 - Door lock rearms 30 secs after unlock, even after the door is opened

0 votes

On the Evo-One, with Function 15 (Smart Arming Smart Doorlock Smart Lock pulse) , Mode 2 ((Unlock signal) Automatically LOCK and rearm alarm if door(s) are not opened after 30 seconds.).  The door locks even, with the doors opened.  Is there a wire to montior the door trigger or dome light to determine that the door has been opened after the unit has been disarmed?

asked Dec 13, 2016 in Lexus by Rooted Nookie (280 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Pink/black is the door trigger input on the EVOONE.
answered Dec 13, 2016 by Rooted Nookie (85,210 points)

Thanks Mathieu, 

So could use the DOMELIGHT SUPERVISION (-) WHITE Harness On Right Of Fuse Box as the door trigger input instead of actual door triggers?  I don't see a reason why not as it's just a negative output signal I am looking for.

I was looking at the wiring guide and the Pink/Black wire is also the input for the hood trigger.  That means, if the remote start was activated, then once the door is opened, the car would shut off.  What other option do I have?
it wont shut down on door open when using the pink/black.

It will though prevent he car from starting if the door is open.
With the remote start function activated and the pink/black wire used as the input as a hood trigger and/or door trigger, then the remote start function would be deactived as a safety feature correct?
0 votes
Can you tell me where is the door lock data wire is? It said at driver boot, but too many wire :)
answered Mar 30, 2023 by ken nguyen (320 points)