Questions & Answers

Why is it that when I plug in the 20 pin connection all leds go out

0 votes
What wire does the blue hood switch wire get connected to
asked Dec 12, 2016 in Ford by James Edens2 (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
This means your yellow wire is hooked up to 12 volts constant.

Or the ignition is on when it should not be.
answered Dec 12, 2016 by derek g (357,980 points)
I installed as directed by the instruction and tried to program following instruction which says to hold button until blue and red leds are on then I hook up remaining connections and all leds light up when 20 pin is connected and it won't do any thing else. I thought this was gonna be the easy remote starter. Any ideas instructions directed me to wire the yellow 20 pin wire to the yellow wire on the t harness