Questions & Answers

at toyota 4runner flashes security LED

0 votes
today I installed key-ovverride-all at 2010 toyota 4runner. If start the machine with the remote starter, flashes the security LED and does not switch off. If drowning out the car and then start again with the key, then extinguished...???
asked Nov 27, 2016 in Toyota by G M (15,380 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Does the light keep flashing after takeover ?

Remote start, turn key on, press brake and look if the light still flash.
answered Nov 28, 2016 by G M (85,210 points)
yes all and blinked ... I now connected the output from the remote start ( "factory alarm disarm") time switch for 10 seconds to turn off the vehicle security through keysense and now everything is fine ... At first, to keysense it was connected "status output "...
      key override all have the spare contacts on relay  and it must be programmed in this logic