Questions & Answers

F150-2016 starter wiring

+1 vote
I`m working in our Fuel saver module and I`m not sure how to command a Start/Stop in the new diagram for the F150-2016 regular key with THAR Ford2.

There are no start/stop wire in the diagram.

It will start/stop by the Ground_while_running wire?
asked Aug 8, 2016 in Ford by Gerson Bystronski2 (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Looking at your service number, this module has not been flashed yet and no options has been selected which limits our capability to see how you are planning on using the evo-all in this vehicle.


If you are using the unit in "Standalone" mode, then the Yellow/Black wire in the 20 pin harness will be your external ground trigger to start OR stop the vehicle.


If you will be in regular mode, then all start/stop commands will be handled by whatever remote starter system in installed in the vehicle with the Evo-All. Simply sending a ground on the ground out when running wire in this configuration will not start or stop the vehicle since when not in "standalone" the evo-all requires a constant ground signal on the GWR.


Thank you,
answered Aug 10, 2016 by J M (64,060 points)