Questions & Answers

Adding Aftermarket Passive Keyless Entry to installed EVO-ALL and Crimestopper RS00G5

+1 vote

Solved, thanks everyone! Read through the entire thread for solution/method.


I would like to install the DEI 2101t Passive Keyless Entry to my 2012 Toyota Camry with G Key that already has the EVO-ALL and Crimestopper RS00G5 installed.

I'm wondering if there will be any conflicts and if it's possible to use the included D2D connection on the DEI 2101t to the EVO-ALL to simplify the installation so I don't have to use analog. Page 19 of the manual linked below includes information on the D2D and analog wiring.


DEI 2101t PKE Installation Manual

Also in the install manual it has output connections to the vehicle called "(+) Door Sense" and "(-) Door Sense". Are those the Lock Motor(red, pin 18) or Unlock Motor(gray, pin 12) wires in the driver kick panel Or maybe the Keysense (white, pin 17) wire in the Main Body ECU?


2012 Camry Wire Chart

asked Jul 4, 2016 in FAQ by Scott L (150 points)
edited Jul 8, 2016 by Scott L

1 Answer

+1 vote
You cannot mix 2 data link protocols at the same time. As mentioned by mathieu below, wire 2 wire...

As for the door sense wires on your directed module you would want to contact them for the specific purpose of those as im not familiar with their products.
answered Jul 4, 2016 by derek g (357,980 points)
reshown Jul 4, 2016 by derek g
I have the Flash Link Updater. Can I still use D2D from the Directed PKE to the EVO when the EVO-ALL is already connected to the RS00G5 through the data link?
Different protocol can't be used at the same time.

(-) Door sense can be connected to the (-) Door trigger of the vehicle. The (+) Door sense is not needed. I'm supposing your EVOALL is not is standalone configuration, if you can provide the service number I can check if your options are set properly.


Another solution would be to remove the RS00G5, configure the EVOALL in standalone 3x lock start and then connect the PKE in D2D with the EVOALL....

EVO-ALL Service No: 001A06 543402


My EVO-ALL is configured to work mainly as a immobilizer bypass with the Crimestopper RS00G5 as the actual remote starter.


I would like to try the standalone install for the EVO-ALL but it seems that OEM Remote Monitoring is not supported for my 2012 Camry G Key. The EVO-ALL was not able to detect the lock presses (no blue led flash) on my car remote. I had to wire from the lock motor wire to the RS00G5 to get 3x lock start working. Also, I think I had to to use a relay to convert the lock motor wire (-) to (+). What's interesting is that the blue led on the EVO-ALL will flash once if the door is locked and I open it with the handle from the inside.


Is there a way to make a standalone EVO-ALL install work if OEM Remote Monitoring is not supported?


EVO-ALL install guide specific to 2012 Camry G Key

Ho my mistake I thought your car was Smart Key.

No standalone for your vehicle. You still can't use 2 different protocol on the same module, you will have to hardwire your PKE. You can connect lock, unlock, door sense and footbrake from the PKE to the EVOALL.
Okay thanks.

Do I need to have the (+)Horn wired to the car and the (-)Parking Light wire to the RS00G5 in order for the PKE to function properly?


Also I noticed that a Builtin Alarm System is a feature of the EVO-ALL. How do I enable that option? Flash Link? I also don't see any wiring from the EVO-ALL to the vehicle Horn wire unless it's handled through data.
The PKE from what I can see from the available guides online works independently from the 2 other systems you currently have installed in your vehicle, the Horn and Parking lights are optional and are not required for remote starting.


As for the evo-alarm, you will not be able to turn this on, since if you wish to connect your PKE unit, you will need to connect it wire to wire to control the evo for locking and unlocking, and turning on the evo alarm reprograms the wires you will normally use for lock and unlock to external triggers.

That being said, you will still need to test your installation afterwards since you will be connecting the Crimestopper piece via Datalink and the PKE in wire to wire, we don't normally recommend having both types of connections used at the same time as conflicts and/or timing issues may arise when using both the crimestopper and PKE. a more seamless solution would be to connect the evo-all to the PKE and a remotestarter that is d2d compatible as shown in their guide.
The PKE will arrive within the next couple of days. I'll report back the results here after.


Thanks for all the help so far

I have installed the PKE on my Camry and it works well. Approaching the vehicle auto unlocks doors and leaving auto locks. However, it will not work if the car has been started with 3x lock.


My current wiring:

From PKE to EVO-ALL 


(-)Lock Output wire TO (-)Lock/Arm wire

(-)Unlock Output TO (-)Unlock/Disarm

(-)Door Sense Input TO (-)Door Status

(+)Brake Input TO (+)Foot Brake


Are there any settings I can change in Flash Link to allow the PKE to lock/unlock the vehicle after it has been remote started?


EVO-ALL service no: 001A06 543402

Just verify that when the vehicle is remote started that the Crimestopper system can still lock and unlock the vehicle, if yes, then while the vehicle is remote started, manually pulse the purple and purple/white wires to ground to see if the evo-all can lock and unlock the vehicle while using the analog wires while the vehicle is running under remote start, if both tests above are successful in activating the doorlocks while the vehicle is running then the issue lies in the PKE system.

You will need to contact Directed Electronics since we are not the manufacturer of this product, they may have some type of system to detect if the vehicle is running (voltage sense perhaps?) to prevent the pke system from locking and unlocking the vehicle when the vehicle is being driven?
I guess the PKE doesn't work when the ignition is on. You will have to contact them to have a fix.
The PKE system is now working perfectly in tandem with the EVO-ALL and the RS00G5.

It seems the remote start t-taps got loose somehow, which for some reason didn't let the PKE function when the vehicle was "partially started". However, the PKE was able to function normally with the EVO-ALL if the vehicle is cold or is started with the key. After securing all the connections in the ignition harness, everything has been working as expected.

The wiring I posted earlier is all that is needed. The horn/chirp and parking lights wires from the PKE are not needed because the lock/unlock is handled by the EVO-ALL.

Thanks for all the helps guys. Hope this topic is informative for others in the future.
t-taps are evil !!! This is the correct way of doing your connections

Specially for those tiny toyota wires.
Yes, since I'm new to this, those 6 t-taps I used in the ignition harness caused me hours of problems during my remote start install. I stopped using them after I finished up wiring up the ignition harness.

The method you linked was the way I ended up using in the remainder of the wire connections for my remote start install.
Scott, did you need to change any settings in the Evo all for your directed pke system to work through the data to data connection? Nevermind my phone didn't load the earlier conversations ...sorry.