Questions & Answers

2008 Nissan Altima engine shuts off when door opens

0 votes
I have just installed the EVO-ALL in my 2008 Nissan Alitima (push to start). All features are working properly, such as door locks, lights, windows, and even the remote start. My only problem is that when the car is running, I unlock the door, open it and the engine shuts off. How do I make it so that my car remains running when I open the door?
asked Jan 24, 2016 in Nissan by Brittany Gadd (180 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
The module is installed with a remote starter ? You have to unlock the doors using the remote starter remotes before entering the vehicle.
answered Jan 25, 2016 by Brittany Gadd (85,210 points)
selected Feb 11, 2016 by Robert T2
+1 vote
You probably have a safety feature enabled in the Evo that shuts the car down when the door is opened. Hook it up to your PC via the flashlink dongle and software and look for such a feature then disable it.


I believe it is called "door open shutdown".
answered Feb 11, 2016 by Bill W (1,850 points)
edited Feb 11, 2016 by Bill W