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2015 Nissan Sentra door pin issue

+2 votes
2015 Nissan Sentra. Having problems with the driver's door pin function. All wires are connected as per the instructions but car will not start with door closed. If I open the door is starts fine. Seems the function is working opposite as it should. Tried backing firmware to an earlier one and it still does the same. Firmware or module issue? I think all of my settings are correct.
asked Dec 7, 2015 in Nissan by Mike Evans (1,960 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Are you sure you are following the right guide ? The pink/black is suppose to go to the driver doorpin, NOT the blue wire like for the EVOONE guide.

Guide #32801 is the right one for you.
answered Dec 8, 2015 by Mike Evans (85,210 points)
I have the correct guide. Pink/black is connected to the yellow wire at the bcm for the driver's door pin. While testing the wire it shows a ground with the door open and no ground with the door closed.  I have installed a bunch of these without any problems in other Nissans with the same setup. This is the first one that is having an issue. It's very odd that it works with the door open. I have tried changing options for door status but it doesn't change the problem. I would try another module but the only other one i have was DOA when i tried to program it. Wouldn't power on from the flash link or when powered directly to the wires.
Redo the ground, honestly. Or dont let the EVO get it's ground from the remote starter (from the datalink cable).  If the entire system is not properly grounded, the evo will be providing ground through it's door status output to itself and to the remote starter (if using datalink).

Speaking of datalink.. that's another thing to look at. and make sure both EVO and remote starter have both the same protocols enabled.
I'm using the Nissan t harness which provides the power and ground to the evo all. I have it set up as a stand alone to use the factory key fob. I will test the ground at the evo when I get the car back. That does sound like it could be a possibilty. I have noticed when i press the lock or unlock button on the fob with the door open the blue light on the evo flashes with the button press. It doesn't with the door closed. I'm not sure where the T harness gets it's ground from but it wouldn't hurt to cut the wire and go directly to a ground point on the dash.

I should of looked at the service number, didnt notice it was a push-to-start.  You can still test the ground theory though very easily. Don't have the pink/black connected anywhere, and try remote starting while the door is open. I am pointing my finger at this being the issue because i came across it a few times recently (it's remote start season, yayyyy). I bet that on this particular install, the car has no ground wire where the t-harness normally grabs it from, or maybe (and unfortunately) the ground wire is broken in the t-harness somewhere.


You are using a separate remote starter right? If so, make sure that it's grounded somewhere else also and not only through datalink.


Since you have the unit setup as Stand Alone at the moment, disable option B2. Right now, those two options are fighitng eachother since both features (D1 and B2) control how the EVO operates. Also make sure nothing is connected to the DARK BLUE wire with stand alone enabled; that input is a hood trigger input and not GWR when option D1 is on.


This ended up being a ground issue in the T harness. I found that the ground wire wasn't connected to the factory splice. Pulled on the wire and it came out of the heat shrink. Repaired the connection and everything is working as it should.

     Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the update!