Questions & Answers

2-way Crimestopper kits or Fortin RFALL642W with the EVO-ALL?

+1 vote

I am trying to find a 2-way kit that will work with out much hassle. My EVO-ALL is already flashed for Crimestopper RF but I am unsure if the 2-way kits work. The REVO kits are all 1-way it seems. I also came across several Ebay listings for the Fortin RFALL642W which I am curious if that works out of the box or not. Trying my best to avoid buying a $50 flashing cable that I will use once. Any ideas?

asked Nov 29, 2015 in FAQ by Noah Maas (250 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
I'm pretty sure you will need the flash link to set the type of rf kit in the Evo's settings...If whoever flashed and setup your Evo enabled the Crimestopper RF kit option, then that should plug and play without needing the flashlink dongle. Otherwise you are going to need the dongle...


Buy it, set up your Evo, then drive around on it for a month to make sure you arent going to use it again for some silly setting adjustments then sell it online. Plenty of forums you couls sell it in and recoupe some of the cost.
answered Nov 29, 2015 by Bill W (1,850 points)
selected Nov 29, 2015 by Robert T2
Thanks Bill good point about being able to resell the Flash Link. I probably won't be the only DIYer that needs one after I pick it up. That said off to eBay to see if anyone has one :D