Questions & Answers

where to hook the remote "start activation" wire

+1 vote
im just finishing installation and would like to know wher to hook up the (-)start activation wire on the RS00-G4 starter. is it the lock /unlock on the door lock module, apparently use same wire and same polarity. or somewhere else i can get this 3x lock start activation? also i was looking at the evo's white 20 pin main connector that has a lock/disarm(-) wire that goes to the remote(in the diagram) can i connect the start activation to this wire?
asked Dec 15, 2013 in Volkswagen by albert (270 points)
edited Dec 15, 2013 by albert

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Albert,


Normally the (-)start activation wire from the RS00-G4 needs to be connected to the vehicles (-)Lock wire. Yould would need to contact Crimestopper for support on their product.

The lock/disarm wire on the EVO is an input not an output.
answered Dec 17, 2013 by Robert T (299,950 points)