Questions & Answers

Volvo V40 2012-onwards support

+2 votes

I have a Volvo V40 from 2012. Currently this models is not supported according to the model finder. When I look in the Frimware updatelist it states that, in firmware update 6.0.84 the Volvo V40 is added.

Could you tell me what this means.






asked Dec 12, 2013 in Volvo by Willem-Bram van Glabbeek (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Willem-Bram,


The 0.84 (Beta) firmware is currently there as a test firmware. All the firmwares that list a 0.XX (Beta) are for engineering and technicians across the world currently testing vehicles. Once it has been approved, the 0.84 would be added to future releases of the Volvo firmware, 77.00+. There are no estimates of when these are added. It may be one week, as it may be 1 year.

answered Dec 12, 2013 by Robert T2 (298,750 points)