Questions & Answers

Can the Ram EcoDeisel with Push to start be done yet?

0 votes
I talked to you guys at the B&B show beginning of March and I was told there was a firmware for the diesels and it would be up soon.  Just wondering on a timeframe for that to happen.  I have two trucks that I need to do sooner than later.  Thanks again.
asked Apr 1, 2015 in Ram by tremus (250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
We do have a beta firmware 0.75 that is undergoing testing and has worked on the tipkey version of the Ram Diesel. But we have yet to get a Diesel Push to Start to do more testing.

You can try it out by following the connection guide for a regular gas Ram 1500 push to start for example and use firmware 0.75
answered Apr 1, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)