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My chrysler was working fine but now the front left flasher is blinking really fast on the dash but lights not flashing on the outside of car at all. Also I noticed the car alarm going offafte r I pressed the lock button once. Not sure if these events are related. Thanks for helpig finding a solution.

My number is 001 A06  430370

asked Mar 30, 2015 in Chrysler by Kenneth Freeman2 (280 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
How did you connect the parking lights from the vehicle to the Evo-All?
answered Mar 30, 2015 by J M (64,120 points)
selected Apr 21, 2015 by Robert T
Initially I connected  my parking light without a relay so it never worked so I subsequently disconnected the parking light wire. I will try changing my flasher bulb to see if this is the issue. However my alarm still goes off after I press the lock button once sometimes. I appreciate your help in resolving this.

fast flashing in the dash of a blinker is caused by a burnt flasher. Either your front or back flasher is burnt. You may just have a burnt fuse blown since you mentionned both front and back are not flashing.

I would start by disconnecting anything you had related to parking lights and then change the fuse. Test your flashers for a few weeks, then redo parking light connections. parking lights typically use the same bulbs as the flashers so..


edit: i just re-read your comment about not having parking lights connected. Just check the fuses also if bulbs seem fine. The vehicle owners manual will also tell you why the dash light flashes when the left blinker is on.

Thanks for your answer. Now the flashers are working well after i changed the buld.

I still need help with my alarm going off  before the engine starts (after pressing lock function 3 times). Should I dsconnect the harness and reconnect  it as in initial set up ? Thanks

Glad to hear you got the bulb issue fixed. Now you need to enable the unlock before start option in the EVO-ALL which is option D2.


You can do this either with the Flash-Link Updater, or since this is a Chrysler, it can be done straight from the programming procedure.


At step 7 of the programming procedure, ground the purple/white wire of the EVO-ALL (20-pin connector) for about 2 seconds. EVO-ALL & THAR-CHR5 (T-Harness) - Revision 20150216

Thanks its working fine again.