Questions & Answers

2007 dodge caliber manual does not crank

+1 vote
Installed Prostart with EVO ALL CHR5 on 2007 caliber manual transmission.  Bypass programs, remote start sets however the vehicle doesn't start with remote.  We hardwired the parking brake.  On remote starting the vehicle everything powers up but doesn't crank.  Seems to be the MUX however everything was wired as per instructions. Ran a relay to bypass the clutch switch, tested there is power going to start but doesn't crank.
asked Dec 8, 2013 in Dodge by Scott St.Denis (430 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the 12 digit service number of the EVO?

If you try and remote start with the clutch pressed in, does the vehicle start?

What do the LEDs on the EVO do when trying to remote start?

Are you trying to use datalink between EVO and Prostart?
answered Dec 9, 2013 by Robert T (299,950 points)