Questions & Answers

My car starts with one push of the oem remote lock button or proximity button.

+1 vote
I have a 2007 Nissan Altima. i installed an EVO-ALL with a crimestopper revo 4. When i lock the vehicle with the oem remote or proximity button the car starts. i would like to just be able to use the revo4 remote but it doesnt seem to have the proximity feature on it so i cant use the door buttons or pts button. So im stuck needing the oem remote for those features. Anybody know why my car starts with a lock from the proximity and oem remote and how to fix it? The EVO-ALL is up to date.
asked Mar 1, 2015 in Nissan by jeffrey waldrop (290 points)
edited Mar 1, 2015 by jeffrey waldrop

1 Answer

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Best answer
Yes. You most likely have firmware 72.14, that is why it is starting on 1 Lock Press. You will need to have the unit updated to the latest firmware for Nissan vehicles.
answered Mar 2, 2015 by Robert T (305,380 points)
selected Mar 4, 2015 by jeffrey waldrop
The evo-all is up to date and has firmware 72.18

"i would like to just be able to use the revo4 remote but it doesnt seem to have the proximity feature on it so i cant use the door buttons or pts button"


What exactly do you mean by this comment? Do you have doorlock control via the REVO remote controls? There are 2 connections on the BCM from the Evo All to give you doorlock control using the Revo remote controls which in turn will let you do Takeover upon unlocking and opening the driver's door.


Can you provide us with your service number please?

Service number 001A06 441448

i thought the revo remotes could replace the nissan oem remote all together so i could still use the proximity buttons on the vehicle and not have to use the buttons on the remote. If i could do that it would be awesome. but at the least i still need the oem remote to use the proximity buttons on the vehicle and  use the push to start button. but using the oem remote i have the 1 lock start problem.

do you have access to the flash-link? the 1x lock start fix should be present in firmware 72.19

i thought the revo remotes could replace the nissan oem remote all together so i could still use the proximity buttons on the vehicle and not have to use the buttons on the remote

Aftermarket remotes cannot replace smartkey systems.

The 72.19 Beta version seems to work perfect! Thanks. That one definitely should be listed as the recommended version for the vehicle.
Soon. Once it passes Beta, it will be the next full release. Thanks for the update!