Questions & Answers

Horn keeps honking when jeep starts evo all.

0 votes
Horn keeps honking after 2011 jeep wrangler starts up after pressing lock 3 times on fob. Have to hit unlock for horn to stop. I even diabled horn when pressing lock 3 times to start it. But as soon as it starts, the horn starts going off. Whats the problem? I ordered the flashlink 2 from you and updated firmwear then installed also.
asked Jan 24, 2015 in Jeep by daryl eliason (180 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Your Jeep is equipped with factory alarm. Program option Unlock before start, lock after start in your evoall options.
answered Jan 24, 2015 by daryl eliason (85,210 points)
selected Apr 16, 2015 by Robert T2