Questions & Answers

48hr activation expired

+3 votes
I logged in to check out the site now my time access code is no longer valid for that vehicle
asked Oct 19, 2013 in Wirecolor by Rick Kachur (210 points)
recategorized Nov 26, 2013 by Robert T

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Rick,

The single use tokens are only valid for 48 hrs. This is why you have timer on top of the page when unlocking a vehicle. It is recommended to save the info as a .pdf or printing the entire wirecolor for the vehicle.
answered Oct 21, 2013 by Robert T (299,950 points)
selected Nov 19, 2013 by Robert T
What vehicle was this for?
Is there a way to reactivate the code? I didn't realise there was a time window when I avivated the code and was far from ready to begin installation.
Once the code is entered it can not be re activated.