Questions & Answers

FAQ - Getting Started - Vehicle Wire Color and Photograph FAQ

+7 votes

Fortin Electronic Systems has released a new online vehicle wiring database. Below are answers to common questions regarding access to this service.

What is this service used for?
Fortin Electronic Systems has decided to provide additional wiring information to our customers who purchase our premier products. Since our objective is to simplify remote-starter and alarm-system installations we felt that this additional information would be beneficial to those installers who use our products to make their jobs easier.

Can I use this service if I don't have a Fortin product?
We only provide this service to those who purchase our premier products. You will need an activation key to unlock vehicle wiring information and photographs. See: Where do I get my activation key?

What is an activation key used for?

An activation key is used to unlock free vehicle wiring information and photographs of any vehicle of your choice. Vehicles that have at least 10 wires or 1 photograph are locked and require this key to unlock. Vehicles with less than 10 wires or no photographs are not locked and do not require an activation key.

The 20-digit registration key received after my account registration doesn't unlock wiring.
The 20-digit email confirmation key used during registration is not the same as the 16-digit activation key required to unlock wiring. See: Where do I get my activation key?

Where do I get my activation key?
Activation keys are printed on a black card (3" x 5") and included in the packaging with premier FLASH-LINK update-able Fortin bypass and interface modules. The activation keys are currently only being packaged with the following products: EVO-ALL, EVO-CAN, INT-SL+, KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL

My Fortin product didn't come with an activation key, what now?
Activation keys are only provided with the products listed above. If you purchased a product that is not listed above then all of the information required to install the product is already listed in the generic installation manual including all relevant wire colors required for the installation of the product. If you require additional connection information for the remote-starter you will require to contact the manufacturer of the remote-starter.

My Fortin product is listed but still didn't come with an activation key, what now?
These keys have only been available since December 1st 2008. If you purchased one of the products listed above and it did not include an activation key then your supplier has stock which was packaged before the date in which we started including activation keys. A resellers stock will take much longer to rotate. If you purchase from a reseller and wish to receive more recent stock then you should purchase our products from a direct distributor instead of purchasing from a reseller. Refer to the list of direct distributors or by clicking on the distributor tab above.

I  didn't purchase a Fortin product but I still need wiring information for my vehicle, can you help me?
See: Can I get a free activation key?

Can I get a free activation key?
Although the card with the activation key has little monetary value the vehicle wiring service is not free and there are costs associated with the setup, the maintenance and upgrades for this service. Because there are costs associated with providing this service to our customers we are unable to provide free activation keys upon request. Activation keys are only available with the products listed above and are not for individual or bulk sale.

I'm curious to view how the service works. If you wish to see how the service works there is a demo available for the Mitsubishi Lancer - Fast Kelss (2008-2014).

I lost my activation key, where can I get a new one?
We cannot retrieve lost or missing activation keys. Every activation key is unique and is independent of the products that are packaged with. We are unable provide a replacement activation key if one is lost. See: Where do I get my activation key?

How do I use my activation key to unlock vehicle wiring?
Go to >Register a new account and verify your email address by clicking on the link provided in the email that is sent to your email address after registration. If you are already registered and have verified your account continue below. Log in to your account. If you have forgotten your password use the forgot password link to learn how to change your password.Choose a vehicle from the drop-down list at the top-right of the page. Enter your 16-digit activation key.

How many vehicles does my activation key unlock?
Only one vehicle can be unlocked for each unqiue activation key. The vehicle must be selected and you must be logged in to your account to enter the activation key. See: How do I use my activation key to unlock vehicle wiring?

When can I use my activation key to unlock a vehicle?
An activation key will can be used at any time to unlock any vehicle of your choice. Once the activation key has expired it can no longer be used.

Why do I need to be logged in to my account to use my activation key?
Once an activation key is used it is automatically assigned to your account so you do not need to re-enter your activation key when you revisit a previously unlocked vehicle.

Once I use my activation key to unlock a vehicle how long is it valid for?
Once an activation key is used to unlock a vehicle, that vehicle is available from your account for 2 days.

How often should I check for new information?
New vehicles and information on existing vehicles are added often, so check back frequently for new and updated information.

asked Aug 21, 2014 in Bypass by Mukesh Patel2 (1,640 points)
edited Aug 22, 2014 by Robert T2

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