Questions & Answers

Installed EVO ONE in 2014 Camry PTS Hybrid and vehicle does not start with 3x lock

0 votes
Installed evo one and using as stand alone remote start only. Blue light on unit flashes with each remote command but vehicle does nothing after giving it the 3x lock command from factory remote.
asked Dec 28, 2014 in Toyota by Clifford Scott (220 points)

1 Answer

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First, if the vehicle is automatic transmission, make sure you actually cut the yellow wire loop coming out the back of the unit.
answered Dec 29, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)
The installation instructions indicated the it should be cut for Auto trans when using a remote start unit, but I was unsure if this applied when using the evo one as stand alone unit, so I do not have it cut. I also learned to use the toggle button on the flashlink software to access the remote start portion of the evo one. I changed those options to what I think they should be and will clip the wire and retry tonight. Thanks!
Lots of options are off in your bypass side and should not, all triggers, foot brake and hood status should be left ON. You can turn OFF Unlock before/Lock after it is not needed for this car.
Ok. I made those changes to the bypass options. Do the remote starter options look correct?
options look fine on remote starter side also
Good deal. I will give it a try tonight. Thanks for your help!
Finally got it to work. Tried several different combinations of options but was not getting a favorable response until I turned on C1-OEM Remote Monitoring, then it worked perfectly.
that's odd, c1 was showing as on before too. Yes, you do need that option enabled, the whole 3x lock start feature revolves around that. Glad you figured it out!
The hybrid and push to start options were turned off on the bypass too, so kind of odd there too. I appreciate you help! Thanks.