Questions & Answers

2014 CX-5 PTS - remote starter - no key required?

0 votes
Can you please confirm that with the newly released evo-all, I can install a remote starter on my 2014 Mazda CX-5 GT PTS without losing a key now?  Also, I want it so that when starting my car, after opening the door, the engine does not automatically shut off.  Is this possible now?  I know that this was a problem in the past that was only resolved by having a physical key hidden in the car.
asked Dec 28, 2014 in Mazda by Johnny Ng2 (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Correct, no key required. The vehicle will shut down though when you open a door. This is all explained in the installation guide.
answered Dec 29, 2014 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)
Absolutely no way around this through wiring?
No way, car will shut down.
Would it make any difference if I purchase a 3rd party RS?  Like a Compustar or Viper instead of using the factory fob and doing the 3x lock start?
Won;t make a difference. the vehicle needs to be shut down when started this way.