Questions & Answers

RS-232 data

0 votes
Hello, have customer supplied Prostart CT-3460TW, 2007-10-25, V.H 4.6, V 2.0, for manual transmission to go into 2004 Jeep Liberty(manual) with an EVO-ALL. The remote start has an "RS-232" port on back of module that the D2D cable from EVO-ALL will connect to. Can I use this port for D2D with EVO-ALL successfully if I select option "F1 FORTIN RS-232 protocol option in Flashlink updater? Thanks, Mike.
asked Dec 20, 2014 in Remote Starters by Micheal Unger (2,610 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Sure if you select D2D in flashlink manager it will work perfectly with your prostart.
answered Dec 20, 2014 by Micheal Unger (85,210 points)
0 votes
Leave the starter in Express, enable option F3 in the EVO. This will allow 2-way datalink communication. You can also use the Fortin protocol but Autostart does not allow 2way communication if you don't use their own protocol.
answered Dec 22, 2014 by Robert T2 (298,940 points)