Questions & Answers

2014 Mustang - Evo All with Fort1

+1 vote
Just wondering - is enough to connect all cables around stering wheel and can high ,can low ? or I need to do some other connections ? I want to make it as easy as possible
asked Nov 29, 2014 in Ford by gwizdek (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you using it standalone and remote start from factory remote ?

If you do then door lock connection is not required. RAP is suggested while not necessary... If you remote start the car and let it run until it shuts off (15 min) the radio will stay on for 30 minutes. The RAP connection take care of this situation....
answered Dec 1, 2014 by gwizdek (85,210 points)
ok Thank YOu - I just install everything ( OBD connections Lo and High ) and missing cables between 20pin and  T harnes + program everythin by PC and decrypt key because I own only one right now.

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