Questions & Answers

What product will enable me to use a non programmed key on my 2006 honda element

0 votes
I bought a used 2006 honda element and it did not come with any spare keys. Instead of going to the dealership and paying $110 per key for the key and programming to make spare keys I was hoping that you offered a product that would allow me to use keys that have not been programmed for the vehicle. I can get a spare key cut much cheaper as long as I do not need it to be programmed.  The car does not have a remote start nor does it have a factory alarm
asked Nov 19, 2013 in Honda by Joseph donohue (200 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
None. Every aftermarket piece is meant to work with remote starters and takes into consideration that the user would have dealer programmed keys.
answered Nov 19, 2013 by Robert T (304,010 points)
selected Nov 19, 2013 by Joseph donohue
So even the Honda-SL3 bypass unit would require me to use a factory programmed key? I have a single programmmed key, I was just hoping to avoid expensive replacments.
To be able to drive your car, you need to put a key with a valid transponder chip inside.