Questions & Answers

Blue light will not flash after first Programming sequence in 2004 ford f150

+1 vote
Programming #6 being used . Blue light goes off when key is inserted and switched to ignition. Light does not blink rapidly as stated in manual. Firmware 4.18 Hardware V. 6 on mudule label. Can Bus wires switched and no luck. Ignition 12v checked at yellow wire good.
asked Nov 18, 2014 in Ford by Danny Santos (210 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
2004 f150 use installation #1 in EVOALL guide and this installation does not have can wires. Skip this step and go to RED LED at page 29
answered Nov 18, 2014 by Danny Santos (85,210 points)
selected Nov 20, 2014 by Robert T2