Questions & Answers

Can not remote start '07 Dodge Ram 6.7L

0 votes
Installed Evo-All stand alone on '07 dodge Ram 6.7 diesel in accordance with THAR-CHR5 connection "C". and program 1. It unlocks doors, lights up the dash, locks the doors, the dash shows Check Engine light and the Evo-All has a red and amber LED. I have to disconnect the 4 pin Data link to get the truck to start with the key.

The unit was flashed to 74.08, options 12, 15,15.4 and 18 are on.

Any suggestions on whare to go next?
asked Nov 18, 2013 in Dodge by Everett Jenkins (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Option 18 is only for Hybrid vehicles.
answered Nov 19, 2013 by Robert T (299,950 points)