Questions & Answers

Stand Alone Evo All 4Runner 2013

+1 vote
I just made an install of a stand Alone Evo All on a 2013 4Runner  Push to start

Programming went as told  in instruction

Hardware 6   79.11    Monitor oem remote selected        stand alone evo all selected.

Car  flashes the 4 ways each time I press lock, red led come on on evo   parking lights come on at some point  after i clic 3 times  then go out then come back on ( I suppose the off time is when car should be cranking )

then parking light goes out and red led goes out. I saw blue led react each time I press lock on oem smart key.

At my evo module, If i turn on car ignition i do have power to yellow wire and steering lock volt does go to ground.

BUT when i remote start 3 x lock I don t see my steering lock signal go down (dvom)

I don t see ignition power coming on (dvom)
asked Oct 21, 2014 in Toyota by Marc Voyer (920 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Steering lock should go to ground at the same time as the red led goes on, I would try rolling firmware back to 79.00
answered Oct 22, 2014 by Marc Voyer (85,210 points)
selected Oct 22, 2014 by Robert T2
Ok , If I ground it manually , should it start ? Or is timing very critical ?

Sgould evo yellow wire get power too at same time ?

easy test would be to ground the yellow/black (external input) then ground the steering lock wire. Steering lock is what allows the car to crank.


You mentionned you have no ignition on? Ignition will not come on when the transponder is not bypassed correctly, which makes me wonder if the programming went through correctly... With the latest firmware, we added a way to diagnose when programming in the case that the EVO-ALL does not detect either Tx or Rx. This was added because with previous firmwares, even if Rx and Tx were accidentally misconnected, the EVO-ALL would still program correctly.


That said... update to 79.19 and redo the programming. If the LEDs do not flash as written in the installation guide, note it down and report here (or just call tech support).


Basically, the diagnosis with the latest firmware is.:

  • after turning ingition ON, if the LED flashes RED, it's a problem with the Tx connection
  • if it Flashes YELLOW, it's a problem with the Rx connection.
All is working good .   Used 79.19 version   as suggested.

I had not saved the push to start option  and there was a different way to program the Evo that was not in instalation guide.

Thanks Robert and who ever spoke to me on phone.

Excellent, glad you got it up and running!