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FAQ - GM and EVO-ALL Hardware 5 Programming

+1 vote

This only concerns newer GM vehicles when the EVO-ALL does not want to program.


Problem: Evo-All with hardware 5 ONLY does not program. Harwdare is written on the back of the EVO-ALL on the top right corner of the sticker.



Three possible solutions:

  1. Change the Evo-All for a hardware 4 model.
  2. Install a 50K pull down resistor on the Red/Blue wire of the Evo-All. (one side to ground, the other to the Red/Blue wire)
  3. Flash to firmware 4.07 and tie the Lt.Blue and Red/Blue wires of the Evo-All together.
asked Aug 20, 2014 in Bypass by Mukesh Patel2 (1,640 points)
retagged Aug 22, 2014 by Robert T2

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