Questions & Answers

I have an EvoAll with harness, will this work with Viper 5704v d2d?

+1 vote
I purchased the Fortin EVOALL CHR6 for my 2014 dodge dart. I also bought a5704v Viper alarm. Are these compatible via the D2D protocol? I flashed my Fortin with the right firmware and chose D2D as the protocol. Just double checking.
asked Jul 4, 2014 in Dodge by Fareed Elian (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
That's exactly what you needed to do. Flash to most recent firmware for the vehicle then turn on Option F3- D2D.
answered Jul 7, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)
thank you for your response, the 5704v has a wire that is igntion 1 input/output. On the Fortin diagram, there is a wire coming from the ignition1 output with a diode, is this the wire I put the diode on and connect to the evo?
The yellow ignition on the EVO is an Input to detect ignition and will be connected directly on the vehicles ignition wire which in this case is the light blue wire coming from the T-harness.


The diode will be installed on the remote starters/alarm ignition output so that it does not send any voltage to the vehicles ignition, it will only be able to detect ignition, as per install diagram.
The reason I ask so much is I tried to set this up right and I ended up frying my ignition and paying 450 bucks to get it fixed. Dont want to go through that again. (i forgot to put hte diode on the ignition wire when this happened though)

One more question, I hope. There is a caveat in the install that says if you use the Parking Light + that you need to wire the remote starter directly to a 12v source. My car uses a Negative Parking light trigger. Does this mean I still have to wire it up directly to a 12v Source or is Negative direct wire with a resistor sufficient? Thanks
The diode is to prevent the remote starter from feeding ignition to the car. The EVO in this vehicle does everything including managing starting the car. The remote starter is only there to tell the EVO when to start up the car.

There is no harm in connecting the 12V at another source from what is said in the install guide. Most installers will always connect 12V and Ground to a good source on the vehicle. Parking lights are negative with a resistor inline as you have mentionned.
thank you again, you have been a tremendous help. i am going to attempt this soon


So now I am left with some minor things. If i want to control the climate, defroster and other features of my car not covered by the EVO (the chart does not have them checked or listed), will that have to be done via wiring from the remote start/alarm. It has a bunch of wires that put out 500ma, which I am guessing is no where near sufficient and I would have to use relays for each function and that the 500ma wire is a control wire for the relay. In order to do this, will I need to connect up the accessory and Ignition wires from the alarm to the car to get sufficient power as well?


And the ignition wire from the Alarm to the EVO is thicker on the alarm side than the EVO, will this cause ANY concern as far as overheating or melting of wires? In face, most of the alarm wires are thicker than the car/evo. The dealer guy told me that I should not be wiring up thicker wires to thin ones. Thanks

Rear Defroster/Mirrors are normally the same trigger. What an installer normally connects to is the low current negative trigger. The negative 500mA outputs are enough to trigger it. I do not have the info on this for the Dart.

Heated seats can only be controlled through the vehicles Can-Bus and there is no physical connections available.

will I need to connect up the accessory and Ignition wires from the alarm to the car to get sufficient power as well?

Nothing more should be required. Your easiest test for this would be to remote start the car then go into the car and turn on manually whatever feature you want. If it turns on, then no extra wiring from the remote starter is required.

for more advanced features such as this, it is highly recommended to visit your local remote starter installation shop.

Thank you again for your help. When I bought the alarm, I got a full techwiring  sheet for the car. If I provide this to you, can you help me dissect if I would need to connect the low voltage negative trigger wires?


Also , you probably missed my question about wire thicknesses and concern for fire and stuff, ill readdress below:


And the ignition wire from the Alarm to the EVO is thicker on the alarm side than the EVO, will this cause ANY concern as far as overheating or melting of wires? In face, most of the alarm wires are thicker than the car/evo. The dealer guy told me that I should not be wiring up thicker wires to thin ones. Thanks


Again, thank you for your help. I do feel comfortable around electronics as I've wired up five cars with alarms, but this car was my first and very expensive failure, so I want to go into it with full knowledge.

And the ignition wire from the Alarm to the EVO is thicker on the alarm side than the EVO, will this cause ANY concern as far as overheating or melting of wires? In face, most of the alarm wires are thicker than the car/evo. The dealer guy told me that I should not be wiring up thicker wires to thin ones. Thanks

Alarm wires may be thicker because they can supply a much bigger amperage to vehicles when required. They will not force feed anything, they are only ready to supply bigger circuits. Wires on the EVO are thinner because most of them are only there to "sense". They mostly act as inputs.

Thank you again for your help. When I bought the alarm, I got a full techwiring  sheet for the car. If I provide this to you, can you help me dissect if I would need to connect the low voltage negative trigger wires?

I recommend visiting for this.
