Questions & Answers

Does the EVO-ALL datalink protocol work with Audiovox Prestige remote start?

+1 vote
Does the Evo All data protocol compatable wit audiovox Prestige remote starter on 2010 honda crv?
asked Apr 8, 2014 in Honda by anonymous

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Most Audiovox require fortin bypass to be flashed to D2D protocol.
answered Nov 21, 2014 by Jason Dorlac (470 points)
selected Nov 21, 2014 by Robert T2
0 votes



The EVO-ALL is compatible with 3 datalink protocols

  • Fortin (by default)
  • AP/OFA datalink
  • D2D


To change the protocol you need the Flash-Link Updater and the latest firmware for whichever vehicle you're installing the EVO in.  Then go into the EVO-ALL options menu and change the datalink options as per your liking.

answered Apr 8, 2014 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)