Questions & Answers

2014 Q50 evoall underhood rellay info inacurate-for auto trans -manual trans wires work

+1 vote
the color/locaton not maching
asked Mar 14, 2014 in Infiniti by joemunz (260 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
pin is right for  neutral safty switch but color is white on this one. worked good -did need to push dash start button x2 for take over.  Thanks
answered Mar 14, 2014 by joemunz (260 points)
Changes should be all done now.

Thanks for the info!
0 votes
Hi Joe,


Thanks for the info, i`ll look into getting any changes done by the end of the day
answered Mar 14, 2014 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)