Questions & Answers

Check engine light comes on with EVO-ALL when initiated..

+1 vote
My evo-all works fine until now on 2010 didge avenger! my check engine light comes on when it engage/initiated of remote start unit. What gives? I had to disconnect my car battery to reset to get it start the engine plus I've head and search for similar problem could it be the DTC causing the check engine light to come on otherwise everything work fine when my engine is started light, horn and etc but when it failed to remote start my display panel on the console "NO BUS" when my fob is inserted. Any idea or solution?
asked Mar 13, 2014 in Dodge by B S Chounlamountry (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes



How long has this been installed?

Is there a remote starter also installed or is the eVO set in Stand alone remote starter?

What is the 12 digit service number on the EVO-ALL?


Plugging a scan tool will tell you what the DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) code is, from there it can researched what that code is intended to mean.

answered Mar 13, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)