Questions & Answers

What are all the Stand-Alone options?

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With the different ways to get to Options, and different formats within those ways, I do not fully understand what I can do to program the EVO as a Stand-Alone.  Options from the lower right button seems to have a lot more to them than Options from the upper tab.

Is there a manual that states what exactly each feature does?

Is there a setting that will prevent my car (2010 Altima) from unlocking the doors after turning off when the EVO runs for its allotted time (or quickly re-locking them)?

Thank you,
asked Feb 26, 2014 in Nissan by Michael

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With the different ways to get to Options, and different formats within those ways, I do not fully understand what I can do to program the EVO as a Stand-Alone.  Options from the lower right button seems to have a lot more to them than Options from the upper tab.

The upper tab requires internet access while the lower right button does require internet. That is the only difference between those two places.

Is there a manual that states what exactly each feature does?

In one of the first pages of the installation guide, it says to turn On Option 15 - Stand Alone remote starter and also to turn On hybrid mode if the vehicle is hybrid.

Is there a setting that will prevent my car (2010 Altima) from unlocking the doors after turning off when the EVO runs for its allotted time (or quickly re-locking them)?

First, this is why in the installation you need to connect the unlock and lock wires to the BCM. You will also need turn on Options 12 and 19.

answered Feb 26, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)

Thank you for the quick response.  I might not have Options 12 and 19 "on", so I'll check that.  I do understand to turn on #15, and all that.  The only thing that has not been working is the door, and I think that's because I do not understand what all the options mean (for instance; OEM monitoring)

When my EVO has displayed on the bottom right of the screen Remote-Start (as opposed to Bypass (a difficult process that involved changing USB ports)), the Options at the lower right brings up a much larger and varied menu that has Stand Alone somewhere other than #15.  I do not have that computer in front of me, so I cannot provide more detail.

Again, thank you.


My pleasure! let me try a clarify a little more since there`s no real User guide on the Flash-Link options

When my EVO has displayed on the bottom right of the screen Remote-Start (as opposed to Bypass (a difficult process that involved changing USB ports)), the Options at the lower right brings up a much larger and varied menu that has Stand Alone somewhere other than #15.  I do not have that computer in front of me, so I cannot provide more detail.

The Flash-Link Manager is used to program options and change firmwares in both bypass and remote starter units from Fortin. When you using a bypass, make sure it says Bypass. You can change this by pushing on the Toggle button on the lower right corner right beside the options button.

Thank you for the quick response.  I might not have Options 12 and 19 "on", so I'll check that.  I do understand to turn on #15, and all that.  The only thing that has not been working is the door, and I think that's because I do not understand what all the options mean (for instance; OEM monitoring)

Most vehicles all you need to do is turn on option 15. Then some particular ones will need Option 12- "Unlock before relock after start" and/or Option 19 - "Relock after start". These 3 options are what is mostly used when using the EVO-ALL as a remote starter.  


That OEM monitoring one turns on just so that the EVO knows it will be looking for lock commands from the factory (OEM) remote. I think when activating Option 15, this OEM remote monitoring option will automatically turn itself on.

That still leaves me with a few questions (and explanations for why I don't understand).
If I have the EVO-ALL hooked into the Flash-Link and it says "Bypass" on the lower right, hitting "Toggle" causes all EVO lights to turn off and my computer refuses to recognize the EVO.  I have to do everything from the beginning again, but using another USB port to use the "Toggle" to get it to "Remote Starter".
Option 19 "Relock after start" does not mean the same thing as "Relock after time period set in Option 15 expires and the car unlocks itself because Nissan ridiculously decided that all doors should automatically unlock when the car is turned off".
Your explanation for "OEM remote status (lock/unlock) monitoring", while accurate, has not helped me.  I know my ignorance is my fault, but I just don't understand what that means and why I would or would not need it.
Thank you,

Option 19 "Relock after start" does not mean the same thing as "Relock after time period set in Option 15 expires and the car unlocks itself because Nissan ridiculously decided that all doors should automatically unlock when the car is turned off".

This setting is normally called "ignition controlled door locks" or something along those lines. I would not be surprised if either you or the dealer can actually turn that setting off. But save yourself a headache and use the EVO to relock your doors.

Your explanation for "OEM remote status (lock/unlock) monitoring", while accurate, has not helped me.  I know my ignorance is my fault, but I just don't understand what that means and why I would or would not need it.

I'm far from being a technical writter but i'll give it another go. One of the main reasons the EVO can also remote start vehicles from the factory remote, is that it is capable of detecting the lock commands from said remote. Their are cases where the EVO-ALL can detect the door locks but cannot start the vehicle. Now let's say your car could not be started with only the EVO but that the EVO could detect the Lock commands off the facotry remote. You would have the option to either:


A)  Install an aftermarket remote starter along with the EVO-ALL and use the remote starter remotes to start your vehicle. .. or

B) Install an aftermarket remote starter along with the EVO-ALL but program the EVO-ALL to OEM remote monitoring. What would happen now, is that you could use your factory remote to detect the Lock command and once it sees 3x Lock, the EVO would send the remote starter a start command.


Option B will also be used by installers who are using aftermarket alarm/starter combos. With the OEM remote monitoring ON, the EVO would not only control the aftermarket piece to start/stop, but also tell the aftermarket alarm to arm and disarm when Lock/Unlock is received from the OEM remote.

If I have the EVO-ALL hooked into the Flash-Link and it says "Bypass" on the lower right, hitting "Toggle" causes all EVO lights to turn off and my computer refuses to recognize the EVO.  I have to do everything from the beginning again, but using another USB port to use the "Toggle" to get it to "Remote Starter".

All you need to do is disconnect the EVO and reconnect it. The data sent for communication between the Flash-Link Updator and the EVO is not the same as if it were a remote starter. I just tried this on a few computers and all that is required is to disconnect and reconnect the EVO.

Thanks for explaining the OEM monitoring.


I had a chance to reprogram over lunch.  I was only able to give a quick test, but I think it's programmed correctly now and keeps the doors locked.


While it might be a Windows-8 thing, or some other personal issue, I assure you that if the EVO turns off because I tried to toggle between Remote Start and Bypass, no amount of disconnecting and reconnecting of either the EVO or the Flash-Link will allow it to be seen again.  The ONLY thing that works is putting it in a different USB.  And that's even if I start it in the USB that worked before.  Just something you might want to pass along to the tech division.


Also, Here's a very blury picture of what comes up if I use the Options at the lower right.  Sure, you cannot read it, but it shows that it's in Remote Start mode, and it's around #28 or so that the "Lock 3x to start" option exists.  Only the "Options" tab towards the top of the screen put that at #15 and allowed me to turn on #12 and #19 like you suggested.  Again, just some odd code that tech might want to know about or can be included in a faq/manual.


Thanks again for all your help.

The picture you linked is of the Fortin remote starter options and not the EVO-ALL options. To see the EVO-ALL options, the toggle needs to be set to Bypass.

When i say Fortin remote starter, i am not talking about the EVO-ALL. We have a completely different unit that is a not a bypass unit but a remote starter. When setting the eVO-ALL in stand alone mode, you have to leave the toggle to Bypass.

I was told that you may also be running on an older version of the flash-link. You may want to update both flash-link manager and flash-link updator.

Here is what the pop out should look like when using the Options button on the bottom right.


Now I'm all sorts of confused.

Here is what I have; 6/72.10 and 2/3.02


When I had the EVO-ALL set to Bypass, it would NOT start my car (but I may have had other settings wrong).  When I have it set to Remote Start (on lower right), it would start my car.  Now I can see from where the confusion stems.

I'd also like to point out that my personal logic is "Bypass" means you are using the EVO as a bypass device for another remote starter, and "Remote Starter" means you are using the EVO alone as the remote starter to start the car.

I'll try reprogramming it in the Bypass with #15 marked and see what happens.  I'll also update things again.


Thank you,

That seems all fine.

In the top left corner, there is also a firmware written for the Flash-Link Manager. The latest version is 3.31 with all the Windows 8 certification.