Questions & Answers

2012 A7 key not recognized.

0 votes
I've read the other answers and unfortunately haven't found the fix. Setting up Evo one in 2012 a7 will not start without key inside car even though setup as no key required setting.  When I set it up using a sacrificial key it works without issue so I assume the problem is with my IMMO link somehow.  Has anyone figured out the fix? Im kind of stuck with this unit and don't really want to spend $400 on a new spare key.  Does the wire to the black/purple have to be a certain gauge?  

Thanks to anyone with some pointers. Much appreciated.
asked Nov 19 in Audi by Kcamacho (470 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the serial number of your evo-one ?
answered Nov 19 by Robert T (301,890 points)
002B04 224411