Questions & Answers

2014 Audi Q5 Evo All not flashing yellow in step 8 of Key bypass programming

0 votes
Im not able to proceed from step 7 in guide 77151. When it should begin to flash yellow and red alternating it just flashes red.
asked Nov 14 in Audi by optyk07 (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

What is the S/N number to the unit?

How many times is it flashing red? 1x per second, 2x per second? etc.

Best regards.
answered Nov 14 by derek g (346,560 points)
SN: 001A07 611127

Flashing once per second
Please perform a master reset on the unit:


Once that is done flash firmware 60.12 into the module and re attempt programming.


Thank you.
completed firmware flash and master reset, still stuck at the same point
Car now no longer starts at all even with the key in the key port
I would inspect your work at this point, along with fuses, connectors, and harness routing, the vehicle should always start normally with the key.

Best regards.