Questions & Answers

EVO-All and CHRT4 - no connection type option

0 votes

Programming an EVO-ALL for install in a 2012 Grand Cherokee PTS, planning to use a CHRT4 T-harness for install.

When programming the unit with the FLASH-LINK, firmware 59.02 in the section for selecting 'Connection Type', it only presents 'Wire-to-wire' that correct?
asked Oct 23 in Jeep by G Trob (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You would select t-harness not wire to wire.

This would be the 3x lock installation guide using the evo-chrt4:

Best regards.
answered Oct 23 by derek g (346,560 points)
Thanks, but the Flash-Link is not presenting the option to select T-Harness...the only icon on the screen is wire-to-wire...?
Thank you, I will have that checked.

In the mean time, the guide needed is linked above.

Best regards.

Thanks...I've attached a screenshot from FLash-Link
