Questions & Answers

MyCar will not start 2013 Toyota sienna! Tried everything!!

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I have looked at all the question and answers with no luck. I update the firmware on the Evo-one, re-programmed every way possible with different firmware’s, re-programmed the mycar module, I’ve used with and without the little harness that comes with the mycar module, see if the Evo receives a lock/unlock signal while on (nothing), checked if the module is plugged in the right slot. I send the signal from the mycar app, turns green and then red for every option. The app shows signal, battery voltage, gps location, but it won’t accept any command. Please help!! (Can it be a defective device?) It worked before and all of a sudden stopped working.
asked Apr 13, 2024 in Toyota by Christian Gomez (190 points)

1 Answer

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If it worked before and stopped working this is usually do to an OTA update done by mycar. I would try reaching out to them to see if there are any furthur updates that may be affecting their users.


It should not need to be re programmed to the system if it was already working before hand. Make sure you are using the LLRS-01 adapter.


Best regards.
answered Apr 15, 2024 by derek g (359,100 points)
I will try, but I think it is the Evo because I programmed it to try to see if it starts with both lock combinations

and nothing. The blue light does not even blink. I noticed it only blinks when the key is on the on/start position. Yellow does come on when in those postitions. Both Evo and mycar module program/pair good with no problem.
Thats normal, Fortin does not list 3x lock to start on a 2013 toyota sienna g key. Fortin's website states rf kit required.