Questions & Answers

The Current Device cannot be Flashed anymore

0 votes
Trying to update the firmware, when connected to the vehicle to program the lights do not turn on.  Unit is for a g37s

SN: 002504 077873
asked Mar 13, 2024 in Infiniti by Fernando Zuniga (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Please provide the S/N on the back of the evo module.

Thank you.
answered Mar 13, 2024 by derek g (357,980 points)
Hi!, thanks for the quick response!

Here is the SN:001A06 498251

Everything seemed to go well during programming as well but when I did the 3xlock I saw the blue light flash three times and that was it. nothing happens
Modules older than 2015 cannot be updated, this module falls into that category.

However it should not need any updating to begin with, what happens if you ground the yellow/black wire on the 20 pin connector of the evo-all?
Oh I see, so I wouldn’t be able to turn options on/off then? if not no worries but I see the good pin option on and wasn’t sure if that was causing it not to turn on.

So I attached the yellow/black cable to ground and it immediately turned on on its own. I’m guessing from the times I tried to turn it on it was still in queue to excite the command? It did it twice. I will secure the cable to ground and try it again. Thank you!
You should not be permanetly grounding yellow/black, that was simply a test.


Disconnect yellow/black and re attempt 3x lock, make sure you are getting 1 blue led blink with each lock command.
Oh ok thanks for that. Ok, pressed the 3xlock and saw the blue loght flash three times and that’s it. Nothing else happened
what happens if you try lock-unlock-lock?
Nothing. :(
After the blue led blinks 3 times, do the lights on the evo do anything else?

Was this unit funcitoning before?
Nothing happens after the three blue lights. The unit has been sitting in the box since it was purchased 2/3!years ago.
After reviewing the unit, it appears it was never set up for 3x lock.

It was set up to be used with a crimestopper rf kit only.
Oh there any way to change it? I see the options when using the flash kit but I am unable to make changes.
Unfortunatly not, as mentioned previously in the thread modules 2015 and prior cannot be alterred via the flash link.


You could add a crimsetopper rf kit if desired though. A revo 1.1 or revo 4.1


Best regards.
Can you provide me with the links please?

Could you also provide me with the link to a simple module that would allow me to have the remote start 3x lock using the OEM remote. Thank you!
Evo-All would work since you already have the t-harness.


just make sure its from 2016 or newer so you can actually change the options if needed.

Best regards.