Questions & Answers

Outlander 2022 with Fortin EVO One - remote start does not always work when using RFK942

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When pressing the remote start button on the RFK942 key fob, the remote start does not always activate. When this does not happen, the car behaves differently: the marker lights come on along with the low beam headlights for a couple of seconds, then everything goes off. However, when the remote start command is successful, the low beams do not activate, the turn signals come on for half a second, followed by the marker lights. Additionally, there seems to be a door lock click, then the engine starts, which can be seen in the video.

Remote start with the factory key, activated by three presses on the lock button, does not cause any issues with the remote start.

The flash-link 4 has version 5 firmware, vr. 4.08. An additional impact sensor and siren are installed.

There is also an issue where if the car is armed or started with remote start, if the trunk door is opened with a sweeping motion from below (via the sensor), the siren starts making noise. If opened with the button on the door, everything is okay.

Thank you for your help!

asked Feb 21 in Mitsubishi by StanAng (200 points)
reopened Feb 23 by StanAng

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The vehicle needs to see a lock command prior to remote start. This is most likely why it always works from the simply doing 3xlock.

PLease make sure option D2 is enabled in the EVO.
answered Feb 21 by Robert T (299,950 points)
selected Feb 23 by StanAng
Thank you! I have forwarded your response to the installers. They will check, but they are somewhat doubtful that this is the cause. They say that if option D2 was not enabled, the car would not start at all from the RF942 fob. As seen in the video, the car sometimes starts from it and sometimes does not. By the way, is this option D2 enabled during programming via flash-link?
It needs to be manually enabled so it's worthwhile to first verify that it is indeed enabled.
Enabled D2 and now everything works as it should. Thank you very much!
Thanks for the update!