Questions & Answers

2016 Hybrid Camry PTS Installed Evo-All with Harness, 4 red flashes which means Ignition before start error

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2016 Hybrid Camry PTS Installed Evo-All with T-Harness, 4 red flashes on module which means Ignition before start error. What is wrong?

Last firmware installed and SN: 001A07 484579


Previously did the same installation of Evo-All on 2014, works fine.
asked Jan 27 in FAQ by AlexRepair (130 points)

1 Answer

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Please do the following:

- turn off settings protection and save it in the off position

- master reset the unit in the vehicle

- re enable the options for stand alone and hybrid mode

- flash firmware 79.69 into the unit

- re program/dcrypt the unit to the vehicle

- test


Best regards
answered Jan 29 by derek g (334,350 points)