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2012 Audi A7 won't start

0 votes
2012 Audi A7 using Evo One. The entire setup was successful, I was able to program the remote. After install, lock3x did nothing. Looking through Remote Starter options in flashlink, and "System Control by OEM remote" was disabled by default. Ok. Set to lock3x. Reinstalled, now pressing the button turns the ignition on, but does not start vehicle. It does its starting attempt, then turns off and relocks itself. What am I missing here? I'm sure there are other options that I need to change that were not shown in the instructions. Any help would be great.
asked Jan 14 in Audi by (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are ALL 3 brake lights turning on when attempting to remote start?

What is the 12 digit serial number of the evo-one?
answered Jan 15 by Robert T (301,890 points)
No brake lights, which is worrisome. I'm positive I connected the correct brake light wire. S/n is 002B04 625377. Do you have a suggestion?
Diesel or not, you will need to set a 10s delay, option 18.3 (not 18.5). See if brake lights turn on then. If they do not turn on, verifying and testing brake wiring will be next thing to do.
Set the options. Working 100% now, thank you for the help