Questions & Answers

Evo All as bypass on an Avital 4105L

+1 vote
I tried using Evo All as a bypass on an Avital 4105L and tried to start my 2005 F-150 with the oem control and it didn't start, only started with the Avital control
asked Jan 13 in Ford by Ramiro86 (300 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
EVO-ALL does not monitor the OEM remotes on a 2005 F150

If you were to want something like 3x lock start on that car, you would have to verify with Avital if they have an analogue input on their for that as it has nothing to do with the immobilizer bypass module. Personally, I would suggest just using the Avital remote, don't need 3xlock.
answered Jan 13 by Robert T (302,310 points)
0 votes
I made the entire connection of the "Evo all" as a bypass on an Avital 4105L and it doesn't work, I don't know what could be wrong, I did the installation according to the guide.
answered Jan 19 by Ramiro86 (300 points)