Questions & Answers

2021 Tundra TPMS Not Working

0 votes
Everything is currently working as it should. However, after tapping into the TMPS wire, now my TPMS flashes and the truck no longer reads the tire pressure. Is there a workaround for this, or is this normal?
asked Jan 3, 2024 in Toyota by Jeremy Boliver (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


This would happen if the wire was always open. When connected as shown in the guide the wire should only open under remote start.


if the light is always flashing I would go back and check how the connection was done.


Best regards.
answered Jan 3, 2024 by derek g (359,100 points)
Thanks! Can you elaborate further? From what I saw in the diagram was to cut the TPMS wire, run the Red/White to the end that plugs into the BCM, and run the Green/White on the other end. Should this only be one wire that is connected to the pink TPMS wire?
Simple test.

Unplug the red connector and jump the 2 wire together. If the light goes out then you have an open in the circuit.