Questions & Answers

2022 Nissan Rogue remote start push start

0 votes
I am installing a remote start to a 2022 Nissan Rogue, the installation guide says that 1 key will be sacrificed in the installation and the key in a box, I don't understand what that means, nor about sacrificing the key, nor about the key in the box, I need if someone could help me with that, thank you very much
asked Nov 22, 2023 in Nissan by Ramiro86 (300 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I do not see were it states 1 key will be sacrificed? I apologies perhaps I am missing it can you please point it out for me so that I can get it corrected. You do not lose a key fo rthis vehicle.


Best regards.
answered Nov 22, 2023 by derek g (334,350 points)