Questions & Answers

can you tell me what is wrong with my remote start?

+1 vote
I have seen my problem here, but not solved. I have an evo all installed in my 07 camry hybrid. My seller has told me he has helped me all he can, said you may be able to tell me what to do. Service number is 001a06228754.

After doing the wiring, and programing to the car, it would not start. After pushing the lock button 3x the lights (park) came on, dash lights came on, ready came on, lights dimmed some, then went off, car engine not started. Without any input to the remote, the start sequence started again, locks clicked, lights on etc. but no start, and the system shut down.  Tried again, same result. At that point I started the car with the push to start, to make sure I hadn't messed the car up, it started fine. Tried the remote start sevral more times, same result. Gave up, took the car home, too late at night to call the vendor for help. Next morning I tried it again, just because. I thought the lights stayed on too long, said so to my wife, she said, I think it's running. It was. So I did the tests recomended, open door, it shut off. Open the hood, try to start, it did. remote started a few more times successfuly. Took the car to the shop to button up the installation (cold outside) Tried the remote start 1 more time, would not start. Same failed sequence. Long story short, after 3 days of the car starting sometimes, I called the vendor. He asked for service number, then told me the module was not flashed for my car. There was a sticker on the module with a writen note 79.10, options 12,15. He had me return the module to re-flash for hybrid. I got the module back, went thru the programing, (push button, connect power, blue light, etc) tried the remote start. Now the car park lights come on, dash lights come on, at some point the park lights go out then come back on, dash lights dim a little then back as they were, but the ready light (word) never comes on, and the car stayes that way till I open the door to shut it off. Tried this several times, one time leaving it on for 10 minutes (timed) So what now? By the way, sticker on the module now says 79.10, options 15,18. Thanks for your consideration. Oh, and the wiring connections are all soldered.
asked Jan 30, 2014 in Toyota by Ronald Walker (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi Ronald,


Great write up and explanation. I will come back to you tomorrow afternoonish with a proper response. Just wanted to say this so that you're not waiting out in the cold for to long.
answered Jan 30, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)
0 votes
Hi Ronald,


Firmware 79.11 has a hybrid fix for your problem, it's been out since January 1st.

Here is the firmware list for the EVO-ALL. The description of the 79.11 is pretty straight forward "Fix  hybrid option"
answered Jan 31, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)
Thanks for the quick responses. I'll have to get it out and back to the vendor to flash. I will post back here if (when?) this fix works.

It'll fix the issue.

Before bringing it to him i'd recommend doing a master reset on the module. Once the reset is done , the options such as stand alone and hybrid will need to be turned back on since the master reset will put all the options back to default.


Here is the reset procedure:

1- Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector.
2- Let go of button when LED is RED.
3- Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate.
4- Disconnect unit, she is now reset.

