Questions & Answers

2012 audi a7 evo programing successing but car wont romove start

0 votes
instation and programing done succesing but when try start car pushing button 3 times whit oem key the blue led flashing when pushe lock button and noting happend
asked Jan 5, 2023 in Audi by Alan Borek (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
what is the 12 digit s/n on the module?
answered Jan 6, 2023 by Robert T2 (298,940 points)
s/n: 002B04 322108
Having the same issue. Really wish someone replied with a fix for this.
0 votes
Hey, did you ever get this sorted? Same car, having the exact same issue. Please let me know
answered Jan 15 by (210 points)