Questions & Answers

2010 Toyota Camry EVO All with Scytek Alarm

0 votes
Installed an Evo All with a Scytek Astra and everything worked fine but the bypass started unlocking the doors via the datalink cable as if a button was being pushed and it disables the aftermarket remote functions until the bypass is unplugged. Does anyone know the protocol that the bypass should use for a Scytek system or does it need to be hard wired completely as the guide calls for wire to wire since scytek isn't listed?
asked Jan 1, 2023 in Toyota by mobilesolutionsar (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Does the Scytek Astra have the Fortin protocol? if so, make its enabled in the starter and that option F1 is also enabled in the EVO.


Otherwise, just go w2w and cut datalink out.
answered Jan 4, 2023 by Robert T (299,950 points)